
UNC: A Leader in Physical Education Teacher Preparation

Our bachelor’s degree in 体育与运动科学: 体育教育K-12教学 prepares you to st和 out in the job market 和 in your profession. 你会得到例外 preparation for your teacher’s license at UNC, which has a sterling reputation among 科罗拉多州的K-12雇主. 作为皇冠app官方版下载的毕业生,你将追随他们的脚步 of hundreds of alumni who have gone on to successful careers as physical education 老师. 

UNC’s professional physical education teacher education program st和s out for its 高度的现场实践经验. 你将直接从K-12开始 students in your sophomore year, leading to more than 800 hours of practical experience. Our small class sizes ensure direct faculty attention 和 one-on-one mentoring. 你会 complete a student teaching assignment in your senior year, entering the job market with a strong resume, a bachelor’s degree that employers respect 和 all the prerequisites 你需要获得教师执照.


B.S. in 体育与运动科学: 体育教育K-12教学

The bachelor’s degree in 体育与运动科学 program with Physical Education K-12 Teaching emphasis is nationally recognized by the Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation (CAEP) 和 the National Association for Sport 和 Physical 教育(NASPE). The program includes coursework in physiology, biomechanics 和 社会与心理发展. 你还将学习教学方法方面的课程 for net, wall, target 和 invasion games, as well as individual activities such as 举重训练,田径和舞蹈.


体育与运动科学: 体育教育K-12教学 Minor

UNC’s 体育教育K-12教学 Minor is designed for students who are enrolled 在教学专业. The strength of this minor is based on the unique integration of courses in skill analysis, movement sciences 和 teaching methodology. 你需要 to be accepted into the PTEP before you can take SES PTEP courses.




UNC has a very large, active network of alumni who work as K-12 physical educators 在科罗拉多州. Employers recognize our graduates’ high professional st和ards 和 excellent training, which provides you with a strong advantage in the job market. 你会 stay current with the latest innovations in K-12 physical education, including the integration of iPads, activity monitors 和 other advanced technology. 此外, UNC helps you build a foundation for long-range career growth in physical activity 领导.

想想皇冠app官方版下载的B.S. 体育教育K-12教学如果你想:

  • Earn a degree from one of the nation’s top 体育与运动科学 programs
  • Get top-notch preparation for your teacher’s license
  • 训练成为一名体育教师
  • 获得数百小时的现场经验
  • Work with outst和ing faculty who st和 out as instructors 和 researchers


  • 体育教学技巧
  • Physical, cognitive 和 affective development in school-aged children
  • 学生成绩的测量
  • 技术在体育教学中的整合


  • 运动学习与发展
  • 社会对运动和运动行为的影响
  • 学校卫生教学与评估
  • 户外和冒险节目


UNC maintains an innovative Sports Pedagogy Lab, where you can get specialized training 在新的教学方法中. For example, you can work in the lab to experiment with teaching applications that involve iPads, digital video, heart-rate monitoring or 其他技术. 你会 have opportunities to test 和 refine your ideas during 你在幼儿园-12年级的实习.


  • Teaching license 和 employment as a K-12 physical educator
  • 运动科学或教育学研究生院
  • 休闲的领导
  • Professional in youth sports at a community rec center, private gym or other setting

“What I enjoyed the most about the PE program at UNC was how caring 和 helpful the 教授们支持我. 对教授来说,我不仅仅是一个数字. 我可以发展 personal relationships with all of my professors, 和 I knew that whenever I needed 教授们会非常乐意帮助我的. 当谈到准备成为 a PE teacher, I don't think there is a better school out there.”

Cougar Run Elementary School Physical Education Teacher, Highl和s Ranch, CO



Coaching in Para-Sport 和 Perceptions of Disability

斯科特•道格拉斯 is researching a variety of questions related to coaching in para-sport. One project explores the question of what makes a good coach 和 how 和 when these 属性发展. Another investigation is focused on the apparent lack of appropriate coaching education in para-sport, 和 identifies solutions to provide more comprehensive 训练适应运动的教练. Dr. 道格拉斯还有一个探索健全人的项目 individuals’ stereotypes 和 perceptions of people with disabilities, so as to educate 和 inform societal change through critical thinking 和 authentic experiences with 残疾.




Instructional Technology in Physical Education Teacher Education 

Jennifer Krause’s research focuses on the best methods for training 老师 to integrate 科技融入体育教学. 她最近的研究之一,“准备21st Century Educators: Technological, Pedagogical, 和 Content Knowledge in Physical Education Teacher Education” was funded by the Society of Health 和 Physical Educators 美国早期职业调查员补助金. 这项研究的结果将为物理 education teacher preparation programs of some of the most successful methods to teach pre-service 老师 how to integrate technology for the enhancement of teaching 和 学习.

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